
About Stuart

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So far Stuart has created 82 blog entries.

EMS Placements

A really important part of our work is helping to inspire and train future vets and nurses to join the profession. We regularly take vet students as part of their training to help expand their knowledge and practical skills. We try to tailor each student’s experience to help focus on areas they feel they want to develop which can range [...]

2024-12-05T08:32:44+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Confident Conversations about Physiotherapy with Gillian

Team Westport recently held a CPD evening at our Linlithgow branch with the topic "Confident Conversations about Physiotherapy". The guest speaker was the brilliant Charlotte Swarbrick, Senior Veterinary Physiotherapist and a Clinical Educator! During the talk Charlotte discussed some case studies she has seen, the type of physiotherapy she provides to patients, cases that physiotherapy can be used [...]

2024-12-05T08:32:18+00:00December 5th, 2024|

ISFM Feline Vet Congress with Carolyn

In July this year Carolyn travelled to Dublin to attend the annual highlight of the feline vet calendar, the ISFM Feline Vet Congress. This year the focus of the congress was Acute Upper Urinary Tract Disease, including Ureteral Obstruction often leading to Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).  The Ureters are each a long outflow tube running from the kidney to [...]

2024-12-05T08:31:43+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Embracing Advanced Veterinary Care: Stuart’s TPLO Mastery Journey

At Westport Veterinary Clinic, our dedication to excellence in pet care is underpinned by a strong commitment to continuous learning and improvement. This ethos is exemplified by Stuart, as well as every team member, through their active participation in specialised training courses. Stuart's recent educational venture in Bristol, focusing on Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery, highlights our clinic's [...]

2024-12-05T08:31:11+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Masterclass in Canine Endoscopy with Sam

Recently, Sam attended the Masterclass in Canine Endoscopy, an inspiring course designed to elevate diagnostic capabilities in veterinary medicine. Led by the esteemed Philip Lhermette, (who literally wrote the textbook) the training offered a detailed exploration of flexible endoscopy's potential, leaving Sam eager to bring advanced diagnostics directly to our owners and pets here at Westport Vets. A Practical Journey [...]

2024-12-03T17:46:26+00:00December 3rd, 2024|

Special Recognition Award 2024 Winner – Lucy O’Toole

Lucy was chosen by Hugo's family to receive Hugo’s Special Recognition Award 2024 for her incredible devotion and fundraising for charity, Held in our Hearts. Lucy's total fundraising for the charity since 2019, is just under a phenomenal £16,000. Lucy is a 14 year old Yorkshire terrier cross who was rescued by her lovely owners Kelly and Sharon, when she [...]

2024-11-07T17:24:28+00:00November 7th, 2024|

Hugo’s Hero Award 2024 Winner – Buddy

Buddy was nominated by his owner Emma, for his sheer devotion, his loyalty and love for her. Buddy was the light that guided her through difficult times. Buddy saved her life. Their story began when Emma and Buddy first met in June 2016 when Buddy was just 8 weeks old. Emma told us: “Buddy turned 8 years old on [...]

2024-11-07T16:52:19+00:00November 7th, 2024|

Conflict Management CPD with Hannah R

Westport Vets recently hosted an in house CPD for their staff members on the 11th October to talk about Conflict Management in the workplace. Westport Vets recently hosted an in house CPD for their staff members on the 11th October to talk about Conflict Management in the workplace. The talk was on how we deal with difficult situations, [...]

2024-11-07T15:41:32+00:00November 7th, 2024|

Ultrasound CPD with Yasmin

This Wednesday, Yasmin traveled down to Nottingham Vet School to take part in their CPD ultrasound course, specifically focussing on the abdominal organs. First, they were shown how to properly set up the ultrasound machine. From selecting the correct probe, to adjusting the frequency and gain, to ensure it was appropriate for each patient and organ. They were [...]

2024-11-07T15:44:38+00:00November 7th, 2024|

Core Cognition CPD with Gillian

Team Westport recently held a full day in-house CPD for the team with the topic of Performance Under Pressure! The course was provided by Core Cognition, and presented by the brilliant Dr Stephen Hearns and Professor Patrick Pollock. Dr Hearns is a Consultant with Scotland's Medical Retrieval Service, and Professor Pollock is a Professor of Veterinary Surgery and Remote and [...]

2024-10-17T08:45:26+00:00October 17th, 2024|