Pre Visit Questionnaire

As Fear Free Certified Professionals, we want to make your pet’s veterinary experience as enjoyable and as stress-free as possible. As such, it’s important for us to understand what your pet might find upsetting. The information will help us to adjust our care to better serve and comfort your pet. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability so we can take into consideration both your and your pet’s preferences.

* Indicates required question


As each pet is an individual, please complete this form for one pet only.

Does your pet show any reluctance to getting in the carrier?
During travel to the veterinary hospital, does your pet show any of the following behaviours?
Does your pet prefer: *
Check any situations listed below that your pet has shown avoidance or dislike of in the past. You can add additional comments at the end.
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Friends of Westport

At Westport Veterinary Clinic we want to make preventive health care easy and affordable, to help you give your pets the best care possible.