Westport Vets recently hosted an in house CPD for their staff members on the 11th October to talk about Conflict Management in the workplace. Westport Vets recently hosted an in house CPD for their staff members on the 11th October to talk about Conflict Management in the workplace. The talk [...]
This Wednesday, Yasmin traveled down to Nottingham Vet School to take part in their CPD ultrasound course, specifically focussing on the abdominal organs. First, they were shown how to properly set up the ultrasound machine. From selecting the correct probe, to adjusting the frequency and gain, to ensure it was [...]
Team Westport recently held a full day in-house CPD for the team with the topic of Performance Under Pressure! The course was provided by Core Cognition, and presented by the brilliant Dr Stephen Hearns and Professor Patrick Pollock. Dr Hearns is a Consultant with Scotland's Medical Retrieval Service, and Professor Pollock is [...]
We recently held a CPD on Sunday in January which was focusing around Performance Under Pressure with Dr Stephen Hearns. Stephen is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and is the lead consultant for Scotland’s Emergency Medical Retrieval Service - so it’s fair to say that he’s had to face a [...]
A few members of Team Westport went down to SPVS in Birmingham for the annual congress - this year's theme was "Smarter Working". In January, myself - Chloe (Senior Nurse South Queensferry) and some of our management team - Fiona (Clinical Manager), Paula (Head Nurse Linlithgow), and Leigh - went down [...]
Guinea Pig Awareness Week (GPAW) is an annual campaign, brought to you by Burgess Pet Care, aimed at educating pet owners about the five welfare needs of guinea pigs. This year’s theme is Nibble, Nourish and Thrive. Traditionally guinea pigs have been thought of as children’s pets but while it’s [...]
We started seeing Harry for chronic pain issues in February 2021 and was diagnosed with elbow issues when he was still a young dog. Now as he has aged this had progressed to arthritic changes. At first Harry was pretty worried about coming to the vets but over time this has [...]
Here at Westport Vets we are always excited when we can get involved with community and charity events. Here’s a snapshot of our recent commitment to our community. Head vet Stuart hosted an informative visit at our Linlithgow practice to P1 pupils from Linlithgow Bridge Primary School. Children discovered all [...]