In most cases, insurance companies will not cover any pre-existing conditions. A pre-existing condition is something that has been noted by you or your veterinary surgeon to be of concern with your pet before the insurance policy was taken out, whether treatment was required or not.

If you make a claim with one insurance company and cancel this policy to change to a different insurance company, the new company will usually exclude that condition and any previous noted conditions from your new policy.

It is important to find an insurance company that you wish to stay with throughout your pet’s life.

Most insurance policies will deduct a policy excess. A policy excess is the amount you pay towards each condition per policy year.

Some insurance companies will also deduct a co-payment which will be a percentage of the treatment claimed. Co-payments may also be added as your pet gets older.

Friends of Westport

At Westport Veterinary Clinic we want to make preventive health care easy and affordable, to help you give your pets the best care possible.