A few members of Team Westport went down to SPVS in Birmingham for the annual congress – this year’s theme was “Smarter Working”.

In January, myself – Chloe (Senior Nurse South Queensferry) and some of our management team – Fiona (Clinical Manager), Paula (Head Nurse Linlithgow), and Leigh – went down to SPVS in Birmingham for a 3 day conference.

This year’s theme was “Smarter Working” which was reflected in the lectures offered. We attended a variety of different lectures including time management, having a neurodivergent team, human factors in the veterinary field and how to continually improve with our CPD.

We attended the “President’s Party” on the Saturday evening. This was a fancy dress party with the theme being the letter S – so we went as safari rangers. This was a great night with a live band, and believe it or not, we won the fancy dress competition!

We all learnt new information, which we have brought back to practice to share with our team which will hopefully aid us in “smarter working”.