This week Liesbeth attended a two day continuing professional development course as part of her two year post graduate certificate in feline medicine. The first day covered feline neurology and was presented by Laurent Garosi DVM FRCVS DipECVN who is an RCVS and EBVS European specialist in veterinary neurology. Dr Garosi covered the neurological exam in the cat and the challenges that you can encounter examining cats with neurological disease. We also discussed common neurological presentations such as seizures and head trauma in cats and the treatment regimes we follow when treating these cases.
The second day covered oncology and the common cancers and chemotherapy treatments we use in felines. Oncology is perhaps one of the areas in feline medicine which is becoming more researched and chemotherapy as a treatment regime is becoming more widely used and accepted. The day was presented by Dr Ana Lara DVM MSc PhD PgCert (Med Ed) DACVIM &ECVIM-CA (Oncology) FHEA who is a recognised specialist in oncology. Dr Lara spoke about the new treatments available for feline lymphoma, one of the most common cancers we see in cats and how to improve these cats quality of life. The afternoon was spent covering chemotherapy regimes and the benefits these can bring to animals suffering from cancer.