Selecting a Dog Trainer
The search for a dog trainer can be hard for owners as dog training is not currently regulated. Science-based training methods are the recommended modern day training techniques, and for a fear-free approach to learning. Science-based training relies heavily on research by veterinarians and animal behaviourists, with an understanding of dog behaviour and cognition.
As a practice, Westport vets recommend Lothlorien Dog Services for training.
They run classes for all dog ages/life stages as well as weekend events, and have many different options including 1-to-1 training, providing motivation centered, progressive, science-based dog training services throughout the Scottish central belt.
If you are interested in seeing who else is available, a good source to use – to ensure you train with a science based force-free trainer – is The Pet Professional Guild British Isles. The PPGBI practice and advocate force-free, science-based training (unlike dominance theory training where a dog learns out of fear of being punished). This is a modern approach to training and one which is progressively changing with the results of modern research and studies.