Canine Crate Training
Crate training can be a fantastic way to provide your dog with a safe hideaway space and also to protect them whilst unsupervised and when travelling. The aim is to create a space that becomes your dogs personal den and where they feel safe and secure and want to be.
You need to make sure you get a crate that is big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, lie down comfortably and fit a bed and a water bowl inside with them.
Place the crate in a quiet area of the house, secure the door open and allow your dog to explore. Adding some favourite treats or a toy nearby or inside the crate can also help.
Once they are happy wandering in and out, start to feed meals inside the crate to provide even more positive experiences. Once they are happy eating their food inside, then you can start to momentarily shut the door to get them used to the idea.
Gradually increase the length of time that the door stays closed so that you can briefly move away from the crate. If they get anxious or excited when you move away, wait for them to calm down and then move back towards the crate to open the door.
Build on all these positive experiences to lead up to leaving them alone for short periods in the crate unattended.

Here are a few resources to help you create the perfect environment for your pet during their crate training:
PDSA: a guide to choosing the right crate for your dog and some top tips for achieving confidence in a crate.
Dogs Trust: a guide on when and how to introduce a crate or playpen for your dog.
RSPCA: some uses of dog crates and the RSPCA guide to how to use crates successfully.